true we own the air!!! noone except maybe china can go air to air with us… trust me i know
on top of that, if i saw one damaged waffle house, i’d be down there with automatic weaponry.
Too late, you already voted to ban them all.
lol at the world.
fuck all of you hippies, we finally have a legit reason to go fuck someone up and you’re all burned out from that goofy iraq thing.
i think shaler punk just wants post apocalyptic 20 a gallon gas so he and his fleet of econocars can be the mad max of western pa.
Yeah, the US is going to fuck russia up :kekegay: Russia doesn’t play around like the US
if you read, the US is trying to do this diplomatically via the EU.
Where are all you McCain supporters? He’s all about it, let’s see what he comes up with next?
this thread sucks
a)war with russia would be a blood bath, screw that
b)we have enough problems right now, i got an idea, lets throw more money away at other wars
c) where the fuck are those united nations people?
d) just because we have a bigger military doesn’t mean we automatically win. We will have to mobilize our country’s forces to Georgia/Russia, while Russia will already have all it’s forces there. That’s a HUGE factor, and is the main reason why China’s army sucks. they have huge numbers but they can’t mobilize. It is also the US’s strongest point.
needed clarification :bigthumb:
shut the fuck up!
you’ll ruin my plan!
I was kind of hoping the Russians went after Mississippi but I’ll take whatever shitty southern state I can
georgia sholdnt have started shit to begin with they lost that territory a long time ago. Plus the us should stay out F that they got enough shit to do. The russians have no one backing then since the ukraine is pissed at russia from a previous quarel. So F Georgia and let them fight their own shit if they so choose.
try news other than or cnn they feed into the corrupt view we have.
But the problem is Georgia sent like 10 or 15% of their entire armed forces to help us with this travesty in Iraq, so we feel a certain loyalty to them.
learn to spell.
learn the backstory. Russia’s been provoking this for years, issuing Russian passports (and citizenship) to Ossetians and (even worse) Abkhazians, so they could say Russia is only defending her citizens abroad.
Russia wants to keep Georgia out of the EU and NATO to keep Georgia dependent upon trade with Russia. They’re shady fuckers, and they need to be taught.
And why exactly should the United States care about this? There are more troops from the STATE of Georgia than the country. So what if they sucked up to us to piss off Russia. We should face total economic collapse because of a couple of regions that want independence from them anyways? :ugh2:
yeah lets risk the chance of starting a a globel terror war with russia,over someone that has the population of Ohio…i understand they have sent there troops to back up the war in Iraq…but you dont go pokeing a stick at the big dog unless you know for sure that fucker chain isnt gonna break…
Russia isnt doing anything differnt then what we do…we have base’s all over the world filled with troops someone fucks with our troops where gonna show up…and wreck some shit…
its real easy for you to say…while your shooting out your stupid anti flag songs…
why dont you get the fuck off your ass and do something about it insted of blasting your stupidity on the internet…
below i have listed some links that will help you find your balls that you left somewhere in a pizza box…
actions speak louder the words…
It’s time for Americans, American politicians, and anyone with an IQ over 90 to read our founders’ advice and learn something.
“peace, commerce, and honest friendship with all nations, entangling alliances with none”
It’s like the 2nd amendment, people try to make something extremely simple into some sort of argument. I have an idea, why don’t those people STFU and learn to read, nobody cares what you think, someone far smarter figured this out a long time ago.
I can’t understand self proclaimed “liberals” for the life of me. Shalerpunk, you are against the Iraq war, but somehow think this war would be a good idea?
eh they broke the truce it looks like… they know they can do whatever they want right now… we are spread too thin
i don’t think they let you choose where you’ll be deployed. why the fuck would i sign up for the military if we’re not in the war i’m arguing for? i’m not some budweiser swilling hillbilly with unfocused anger issues who doesn’t care which war i go to; i’m calling for a very specific military action.
i hate to invoke this, but:
what do you think ronald reagan would do in this situation?