We seriously need to go fuck Russia up.

…not bad

that’s been bullshit since day one. we won our revolution due to an alliance with france. since the late 19th century, we’ve had allies globally.

FDR was a liberal. More liberal than Obama. Practically a socialist. He had no issue with entering into a just war. We should be in Afghanistan. We should have MORE people in Afghanistan. We never should have gone to Iraq. We need to put people (as part of an international coalition) into Georgia and tell Russia to fuck off. I’m not saying we invade Russia or attack Russian targets. we’ve gone so many places in the last century with the stated motive of protecting democracy and freedom. georgia is a secular, democratic nation struggling against a horribly corrupt enemy with one hundred times Georgia’s military resources. An ally, a possible NATO member, and the least corrupt government in the region is under siege, and we’re doing nothing.

i’m not a really big anti-flag fan… punk music gives me a headache.

You are either confusing several things or purposely omitting them for the sake of an argument.

Our government likes to propagate BS when they say we want to spread democracy/freedom. It was just a series of BS excuses to enter into Iraq. The difference between Russia and the USA is presentation. Russia doesn’t BS around with things of this nature, they just go and git’r’done as they wish. The USA will make up false excuses. We can’t compare the two. Russia is to strong right now for the USA to put on a fuss about Georgia. This is also Russia’s first military engagement since the fall in the 90’s and the separation of these former republics. They won’t take it lightly.

The Georgians see this solely as a territorial dispute and a question of national sovereignty. They do see this as a separation of Nationalism within what they consider their country/land. But this type of war is happening everywhere, not just Georgia.

Russia has a problem with Sakashvilli (sp). They see him as a Western puppet close to the Russian border.

All in all Georgia is asking not only the USA to help, but France and the EU as well.

Not everything should be our burden, no matter how many 2k troops are in Iraq. If you feel that strongly about it, enlist and request to go to Georgia.

The real question here is where was the USA 15yrs ago when all this began? Or 4yrs ago when this was starting to seriously escalate when Sakashvilli took power?

so in 1991 georgia breaks away from russia and now russia wants it back. Is that the cliffs of the situation?

reagan…you fucking retard…he would sit around spend a shit load of money thinking about it,and then spend some more money thinking about it more and then bring the us in more debt its called reaganonmics///look it up its under what the fuck not to do ever…

and as far a very specific miltary action you wouldent know what the fuck that was…if it busted into your house took a shit on your foreign car…and pissed on your im soo punk rock lets burn our flag…

your right why should you join the military " i woudlent get to choose" why the fuck should you care about the men and woman the do give a shit and do stand up and fight when the commander and chief calls for you to sit here and say ahh i dont like that war i think i want to start an war umm over here//yeah that will work

i’m not a really big anti-flag fan… punk music gives me a headache.[/QUOTE]

coming from the person who name was shalerpunk??

I’m guessing we are not helping because we send troops where the oil is.

correct, but when they did break away, they took two provinces that didn’t really want to go. Now THOSE provinces have been trying to break away from Georgia and Georgia doesnt want them to. Russia wants them to come back though. Russia issues them Russian passports, grants them citizenship, etc. Georgia gets pissed and talks shit. Russian troops enter and occupy the two provinces.

Thats pretty much where we are now, or at least thats what I absorbed from NPR today…

my head hurts

Sounds like a normal reaction to what Georgia did. I see no fault with the way Russia is handling it.

Let Russia do whatever the fuck it wants to do until it directly impacts us. If another countries BS doesn’t impact us directly, stay the fuck out and let them deal with it.

The REAL issue is that Georgia contains developing strategic oil and gas supplies that the United States has been working towards tapping for our own use for at least 5 years. We’ve been getting closer to getting into this new energy supply by means of cozying up to the Georgian government.

On principal, I have no issue with how Russia has handled this situation. I do understand our motivations for “sticking up” for Georgia. I do not think that we should at all risk a war involving us over it.

US needs to lay low for about 20 years, Maybe other countries will start to like us.
Would be much better world. also remove most of the air force bases.

worst idea ever

the ability to fuck people up at a moments notice is a great thing to have. :smiley:

i made this name on AOL around 1993. I’ve kept it on every forum since for simplicity. I’m sure when I was 11, I thought punk music was fucking tits.

i say we quit caring about everyone else in the world and worry about stuff here…

best statement yet…


:rofl: at WomOn


another not too mess with russia
