Wearing seatbelts in the back seat?

i always wear a seatbelt regardless of seat / driver / car etc. and ne1 driving in my car wears one. no exceptions. hell there’s only maybe 2 people i allow to smoke in my cars, and thats rare (and only after they’ve done some free work on them)

Always, its a habit. And no matter how good the driver is i would still wear it because there are hundreds of insanely bad drivers on the same roads as us. So just because you might be the greatest driver in the world and have the best handling and reacting car, and you reaction times are only rivaled by a super computer… You still can not predict the bad driver(s) that hits you.

if its a lap belt, I wont, but if its a long haul and shoulder belt, I will throw it on. Im 6’3" 225 so in some vehicles its tough, but I usually sit in the front for most things.