Weather 518

Fucking sick of it.

I think accumulations locally will be a bit lowr than the 6-12 they are calling for atm. Reason being temps in the 50s today and tomorrow and hight 30s to 40 on Friday the ground will be warm so it will take a couple hours of initial snowfall before it actually starts to accumulate on the warm ground.

the first couple hours of it is gonna be ice too lol…i’m gonna take advantage and go snowboarding and laugh at everyone bitching about it.

Tuesday and wednesday looks like another one coming.

I gave up waiting for spring. My car is now officially a paper weight.

i skiied enough this year, bring on the warm sunny weather. fuck the snow

…if this would solve the issues i am ok with wayne taking one for the team so to speak. But sadly smashing a cloud does us no good.

Weather channel says 3-5 tomorrow night…


well i heard 8-14 then 6-12 then 5-8 and now 3-5 sooo im hopeing its 0 by the times its supposed to start

News is saying Northeaster…biggest snow storm in April ever.

Lets hope they’re wrong like the last 3 times.

6-12 looks like the numbers at this point, although channel 9 is forecasting significanty less. They have Saratoga and Albany right on the line between 2-4 and 3-6.

I just don’t believe it haha… Fucking snow in April. It better be 60 and sunny by Monday.

More snow next week. Better turn into a fuckton of rain.


I think they are more accurate than anyone else, I really think they are overlooking how warm the ground is and how much snow it will take to actually start accumulating. Places with existing snowpack will see a good amount places that have been warm and snow free the last couple days will get less than forecasted.

Fuck this snow bullshit

I’m kind of wishing I didn’t burn off my Blizzaks so soon. :rofl

Jiminy has $15 8 hour tickets tomorrow. I guess I’ll have to bust the skis out for one last hoo-rah.

Its going to miss us and be all rain

Yay for awd hooning, I guess… Just trying to stay positive