Weather 518

I’m hearing 1-3" where I’m at, but then temps will jump up by 10 tomorrow and it will rain, washing it away.

Its 52* right now, so what comes in first will probably be rain.

Seems all the snow lovers in this thread are experiencing some 20/20 hindsight right about now :lol


Who wants to go skiing in the morning? Seriously. :rofl

Fuck yeah for that weather map updating… 4-8 now. Keep dropping.

fuuu got bald all seasons on the front

That map is junk.

This was all a conspiracy theory April Fools joke. If not, Im moving South.

It’s snowed on Easter before. I don’t know why people are acting so surprised about this.

Lmao @ weather map of the entire country

Its all an April Fools joke, they have us going pretty good.

people are huge idiots and think because its technically spring we can’t have any snow…

Just like we cant have a thunderstorm with lightning, while it’s snowing, in the middle of winter. I shat brix when that happened this year :rofl

I know it can happen, just pissed these weather specialists can’t predict shit.

Shit is weak.

Yeah they can’t predict shit

Oh thank God we didn’t get hammered with snow I have to drive to Newburgh today.

So my daughter gets up, looks out the window “Dad the trees are covered NO SCHOOL!!! Yipee” Me: “Shit” then I looked, ahahahahahahaahaha “Nope, youre going to school.”

Yup, pretty much what I thought.

Yup, pretty much what I thought.