Weather 518

Yeah people forget how to drive at the first sign of non-sunny weather lol.


It’s perfect here. Just right amount of humidity/muggyness. :lol

I prefer closer to 90* than 20* so for me this is perfect.

I’m here for Citrix training and we’ve had issues so, technically, I haven’t done JACK in 3 days lol.

i hate you so much right now. it’s snowing, and not just a sprinkling.

havent started the snowblower since october, i’m sure i’ll be doing the driveway at 7AM tomorrow

SCCC cancelled night classes tonight.


Looking awefully white out there right now :ahh

Women can’t drive when it’s 75 and sunny, you think it’s safe to have them going anywhere, in the dark, and with snow on the ground?

It’s science.

Gore was quite awesome yesterday, surprisingly.

I know plenty of woman that can outdrive you…guaranteed.

im not saying all women, just %99.999 of them. my friends mom could drive F1 better then Schumacher.
(over exaggeration)

You got like 3ft of air that time

Id be willing to bet my wife drives better than you.

/\ I’m the first post on this page, and somehow you didn’t see it?

So if .001 percent of women drive just as good or better then men you must be in the .001 percent of men that drive worse then women.

how the hell does that make any sense?

:lol…Dont do word problems in math class yet huh

:rofl perfect.

Warm as hell for march wind is kinda hampering it though.

The dew is going to freeze tonight. Looks like we’ll be calling into work tomorrow as the ice scraper is in the cellar.