Weather 518

Lmao…OK, pal!

it’s beautiful outside right now.

Still is.

My favorite winter ever!

Earlier in the week I’ve looked up Moscow weather as compared to NY (usually it’s similar but they are having one of the coldest winters in a while).

It was 40 degrees high here during the day, while it was 5 high there with -10 at night. Fahrenheit mind you.

and where exactly is there decent weather in that part of the world? seems like the whole european continent sucks weather wise, except for spain/italy/greece area around the mediterrenian(sp?)

looks like sunday should be a good day of riding, suppose to snow all day at mount snow.

and this winter has been crap. even if you don’t like snow.

The storm sunday is an interesting one. It’s kind of a 50/50 shot right now. Theres going to be a clipper to the north coming in around the same time and its timing is key. If it comes through while the storm is forming to our south it wont let it make the necessary northern turn it would otherwise track on and it could be a total bust. Like everything else this season don’t get your hopes up til you actually see the snow falling haha.

i don’t even get my hopes up when its actually snowing lol.

Soundskindslightlysimilar to a storm that happened on Vday in 07.

That’s the one we got hammered with like 17" of snow, right?

Storm appears to be missing us.

Weirdest winter ever.

It will miss us. I’m going to magic this weekend but I’ll be hiking. Fuck paying to ski this winter haha. Or he’ll maybe I’ll take the mountain bike out and dust it off.

don’t care about it missing us but its missing mount snow too which sucks…i’ll still be there on sunday just wish it was snowing all day too.

Yup most depressing winter in about ten yrs that’s for sure.

Really glad i didnt buy a 1000 dollars worth of snowboarding gear this year. next year tho different story

Get ready, March is going to be a rough one.


This is bullshit. Stafford trucking has already canceled all deliveries for tomorrow fucking me out of the 7 pieces I was expecting awesome. There are going to be a few pissed off customers on this one

lol @ all the news and chaos over 4 inches of snow.

Ahhh…the joys of being in Houston, TX for business.

It’s 72* here and a high of 78* expected today. I hope the cold/snow is over and done with by the time I land in Albany on Saturday afternoon.

You’ll come home to rain on sat. I’m just pissed because everyone’s gonna be in apocalypse mode during the evening commute. Other than that it’s nice to see that fall is taking a brief nap before sprong arrives.