this isn’t something im aching for - i dont know if it was discussed or not…and i’m sure we can get it somewhere else on the internet - but simply a suggestion… maybe a current temp + 5day or so forecast? a lot of us going to meets/cruises/whatevers depends on the weather…and a lot of us are on here more than any other site since sports, news and current events among other things are usually all touched on this site…so it would just be convinient - discuss
maybe the current weather shown on a main page and once clicked you’re directed to the forecast? i dont know
i relaize this…and this is why i said " yes we can get it from somewhere else but its convinient" we can also get news and sports and automotive news etc somewhere else cant we? but we still have all those things…sad attempt on a smartass comment and still no one likes you - okay everyone else, carry on
none of you have been to other forums, eh? forums that are bigger than WNY where it remembers your Zip code
JayS, Fuck you, you always give me shit about stupid things…
and you are an asshole…i got hit by a fucking truck on the thruway and almost died - thanks
It seems like it would be a very good idea, maybe on the top banner have a little clock with the current temp and the temp for tomorrow, and have different icons for rain/snow/ice/sun/newds etc
Hit F12 on your keyboard and use the INCLUDED widget that should even already be there, change your zip and when you want to know the weather, hit F12 or click on dashboard in the dock…
If your feeling adventurous, hold shift while you hit F12…