Web Developers etc...

So i have now been tasked with developing my company’s intranet web site, we have one already that no one has ever used…

i’m new with any html crap, using frontpage to design it, also using templates as well

obv i need to add documents, newsletters etc which is easy, what can i do to jazz it up?

i want to add for example a stock quote for the co. and maybe a quick weather blurb for each of our 4 offices…

what does YOUR company intranet have thats helpfull? usefull?

help me out

Sharepoint Portal.



If you’re asking for cliffs, Sharepoint is not for you.

looks like more of a colabrative workflow/management tool, which we already have, this is really just a one stop source for company info and updates, etc

as for content, here is my company’s site for example:

top left - logo
top middle - box that drops down with “my links” that i can store favorites in
top right - stock quote, stock activity (up/down), clock, timezone

top bar = tabs: company home, hr/personal, workplace resources, internal group (ie, mine says Investment Bank)
right side of tab bar = employee directory search box, intranet search box, feedback link, site map link

left side links = group homepage, group wide resources, groupwide career center, resources & tools, other group sites, org charts, policies, partner sites

middle = group name header, group news box, business highlights and deals section, company in the news section

right = key resources quicklinks, group wide box (currently showing second quarter results and next management meeting info), group wide career options job (shownig links to rites of passage and development, recruitign, pay, benefits, more), 2 graphics for urgent messages (1 is the mid year update for europe happning july 26 and 1 is a link to quarterly earnings)

bottom = international times and dates (tokyo, hong kong, mumbai, london, sao paulo, new york) with a more time zones/weather link below.

baseline = text links… company home, privacy info, etc. and copyright notice and conditions.

as for developing: i recommend tables and SSI

our company has the usual stuff

benefit info
links to 401K stuff
IT trouble ticket info
resume/job info
and a bunch of other junk that I honestly dont think has ever been used

I would say scrap that shit and go with CSS, the beauty you can create is amazing.

However, every browser interprets CSS completely differently and if your a n00b it is incredibly easy to make one little mistake and fuck the whole thing up.

Frontpage, and learn some MS Access. That way you can have dynamic pages meaning, you can change link content by adding a few lines to a database. Its not that hard, but it takes time to learn the scripting.

Ok, so the adress requires a login and password, anywhere, how do I make the site open to anyone on our network, ie. not requiring a login, but externally it will require one…

without maintaing 2 sites

you host the files on your local network, then set the permissions in the .htaccess to allow local connections, but a password for external connections i believe… dont quote me on this one

i’m not seeing any htaccess files

i’m teh suck at this

what platform is this on? Unix, windows? MS Server?

LOL @ using frontpage for anything.

lol @ me making bank while using frontpage and all you nerds crying


No… using frontpage is for girls.

just use dreamweaver, you’re not an idiot so it’s not like you can’t figure it out

fuck that, use homesite or a text editor.

  • > typing tags

i use to be hardcore notebad, but now i love dreamweaver. even tough i still type evrey thing out. i just feel more secure w/ the dreamweaver.