You need a logo. All things need some sort of “brand”, and you have nothing but text. If you put some logo up in the heading that represented your services, it would greatly help the company stick into the heads of your audience.
Next, you shouldnt use the default font. It is big, and ugly. Try setting the font to be something more appealing.
Next, the solid drab colors scheme is depressing. Try to liven it up a little bit.
Also, the heading that ou have up top with the menu’s isnt too bad, but then the body of the page doenst line up with it properly. There is some extra spacing on each side. This should be taken care of. Also, maybe eliminate the white space entirely between the heading and the body? That would help it look more professional.
The user has no clue what link they are on. If you click news, the title is “Company News”, but when you click on about us, it says “Welcome to Blast Off Inc”. You should always have some sort of bread crumb trail showing you where you came from. Look at for their system of doing this, as you may be able to do something like that.
Lastly, for may initial critique, I would add some sort of footer on the page, that has your address, phone number, or even just date modified in it, to show that the company is legit, and not someone’s idea out of their mom’s basement.