new site design.. bored

comments appreciated… was bored… fictional company…

Definitely a good design overall. A couple, hopefully constructive, suggestions:

  1. Just be wary of making designs that start to look like templates. It takes away from your overall credibility. What makes me feel this way is the top graphic. It’s so generic. What is the point of that picture over, say, a picture of a baseball field? The picture just doesn’t tie into the rest of the design enough to make me see how it relates over just any other picture I could throw in this.

  2. Speaking of elements “tying in,” you have some vertical straight line elements on the right hand side of your text blocks. They feel very out of place, because that element isn’t repeated anywhere. A possible way to fix this would be to take some sort of graphic element from the main top picture, and tie it in there. A depiction of a water drop, something that resembles moss, anything! Or, try a diagonal style to match that main bar that you have running horizontally behind your logo. These are just two suggestions, but the point is to make things feel more cohesive as an overall design.

  3. The text blocks themselves are very bland. From the font style of the headlines, to the three colored blocks making up each section. Now, bland doesn’t mean you need to have MORE elements. You might need to get rid of the darker block behind the headline, or make the entire block the lighter color instead of a lighter block on top of a medium block. Try a few things to see what feels like it works. There is a general flow of the eyes from the top to the bottom of the page, and right now, my eyes get lost after your navigation (which I REALLY like btw). The color scheme matches the background so much that my eyes casually wander off to the side without even SEEING the headlines you have there.

Hope this helps a little…


Honestly, it looks like the 100’s of other site templates here: