wedding dress shoes

Ok, so I’m on

What is the shoe called that you wear with a tux? The shiny ones?

I fucking hate buying shoes…

jump on menswarehouse site or s and k… and find a shoe that you like then crossreference the name… im not sure the correct name though

tuxedo shoes??

tuxedo shoes

Black Lace Up Bicycle Toe Dress Shoe from Bostonian was all i found on s and k

i always called them dress shoes… like these?<>folder_id=1408474395560593&FOLDER<>browsePath=1408474395560593&bmUID=1177507223665<>folder_id=1408474395560585&FOLDER<>browsePath=1408474395560585&bmUID=1177507223670

FTW… formal shoes<>folder_id=1408474395560592&FOLDER<>browsePath=1408474395560592&bmUID=1177507329293

good luck mang… im going back to bed… i think



Nioce. :headbang:


patent leather?

Are you buying the tux? I’ve always just rented shoes with the tux. :gotme:

I bought the tux

12 weddings total this year

6 that I’m in

6 x $150 = More than you can afford, pal

1 tux, tailored forever = $600 bucks + shoes = ~$650

I only rent vest and tie, oh and the cufflinks = $12 bucks

12 weddings this year? :jawdrop: Have fun! :tup: (I don’t envy you. :stuck_out_tongue: )

Just buy some wingtips and be done with it!

I read the title to this thread and couldn’t stop picturing you in a wedding dress.

i thought you wanted shoes for a wedding dress. not dress shoes for a wedding. i was confused because you never came off as a pretty girl to me.

someone photochop howie’s head in there somewhere

Between this and the other photoshop, Howie is going to ban. Then kill me.

Then again I could just photoshop my self to make up for it later. <3