Week End Meats

I heard richie can catch a 80mph ball in his ass cheeks

I’m sure Kelly does…

Oh man this is going down


DEF :thumbup

I have one somewhere!! Ill look…

YAY weekend MEATZ!


This can only end one way:rofl

Nothing like week end meat

looking at my post is making me hungry. LoLz

its going to rain doods.


I will go anyway. Grand Slam aint scared of rain, snow, sleet, ect…

BTW when you type “aint” the spell check comes up with “taint” as a correct spelling…

KOTBC= King Of The Butt Cheeks

^ Richie’s new title

Ehh, hopefully it doesnt rain, atleast it says highs of 50! Sunday looks nice, doesnt LVD open this sunday too?

yah it does. I was thinking about going and trying to break something.

just saw the weather, friday should be nice.

Haha im guessing the cars on the road, i wonder if anyones cruising up there

I was thinking about going but not to drag. My car has’nt changed since the last time prolly wont do any better lol

id cruise up to lvd but working sunday unfortunetly . Was only able to get friday and saturday off

I should run my brothers 03 explorer lol Should get some laughs out of that.

Or my moms 4 cyl. malibu, Thing cant even get out of its own way.