Weekly East Meet At Pickering Timmies. :)


i was there, good time had by all…poor tires… :cry:

^^^ one crazy driver

Dammit i missed your crazy driving… im gonna start coming with my dad soon so count me in for the next meet :lol:

ed, you were displaying some nice open diff skills, weld that ish if you must

Yeah it was a pretty good time. It was’nt to cold so that was plus.

It just sucked ass that my fronts gave me NO traction and all I did was plow. :twisted: :lol:

Oh well, all in all a good time. Nice to see you all again and hopefully the guys who could’nt make it or had to leave early will be able to stay next time.

See you guys soon.

Easy 8)

for future refenence boys; it inappropriate to slide through an intersection that has a cop waiting at a RED LIGHT…

that was fun, 5-0 joined our cruise for like 10km, “police escort”…

Ok so… I did’nt see him, sheesh. :stuck_out_tongue:

anyone going tonight? i dunno if i will be just curiouse if people are going to be out.

The wife and I will be out tonight, oddly enough, in Pickering. So when our plans are done we’ll see about coming by. Can’t promiss though.

are you guys gonna be out next week?
i wouldn’t mind coming.
i guess i miss all the fun. 8)

Well I know I can’t make it next weekend b/c I have to work Fri, Sat and Sun all 12hr shifts :frowning: . Just keep checking this thread though and see what’s happening as anyone is welcome to come out. :smiley:

Hopefully I’ll be out the following weekend.

ya if enough ppl are down i wouldnt mind comin out for a bit next weekend.

I’m coming for sure the next time Bruce goes (28th). No way I’m gonna miss another one…

I’ll throw the summer rims/tires on the GXL and swing on bye (literally).

I’ll be there.

Ok this Saturday is on FOR SURE! :smiley:

The mother n law is taking both kids over night so we’ll be there. Lets say for around 10pm ish. The wife and I are gona do a few things first as since there’s no kids, we’re gona enjoy the freedom. :lol:

See you all there.

Take care.

Easy 8)

Ok so who’s coming out tonight???

I’m gona bring the Skyline for sure and we should be there as I said around 10pm ish.

Hope to see a lot of you there.

Take care.

Easy 8)

sounds good… see u guys around 10

well…i wasnt gunna come but since ur bringin the skyline i think i might have to! :lol:

how was the meet, i didnt go cause i had to goto temple at bayview and steeles. if there is another one next week i will for sure come out.
happy chinese new year

anybody coming out tonight?

John and I might be there if others are down too…

I’m missing out on some fun stuff - I’d come from Waterloo if I knew where to come to.

Anyone tried snake road in hamilton yet? :twisted: