Weight loss / body builders step in

You won’t get sick at all, quite the contrary actually. The only problem with dropping weight that fast is your skin will not tighten up as fast, so you’ll end up with a lot of loose skin.

You will have to change your lifestyle, as said in a prior post, or you won’t maintain your new lighter self.

Joining a gym is always a good idea. Let us know which one in particular. Get a GOOD personal trainer that people know about, not some shmuck at Bally’s. You will not need a trainer forever, just a month or 2 will be fine. It’s better to start off with someone helping you so you don’t get any bad habits in the beginning. After a few months you will know what you need to know to keep at it.

BTW…check my sig if you get a chance.

Thanks ^ im going to register there.

like most things in life, you have to work hard to get where you want. you cant just drink water and think thin and it will work… nor will not eating anything and trying to starve yourself cause your body will then turn to muscle to feed itself

its going to take some time, but its all worth it in the end

read up on this… this should give you a little bit of inspiration and guidance, btw its a great site if youre really serious, and its not all about big hulk body builders

i like the nutrition page on that link, look up how long youd have to be on a treadmill after eating a couple hamburgers from some of those resturants… and thats getting back to even

and dan is right… diet is THE most overlooked thing in losing weight. you can run a hundred miles do all the weight training in the world but if youre eating shit all day long and not at the right times, its all for nothing

i once lost 20 lbs in a few weeks by drinking gin and only eating at work

im still alive :gotme:

good gin really is magical…


with a regiment that’s cutting down on eating …why are you looking for body builders? Are you trying to actually gain muscle or just cut the fat?

Well some years ago actually 11-12 I was 5’11’’ and built really well, being built really well again would be nice.
Once I started packing on pounds I kinda did nothing about it, then I lost focus :burnin:.
Now that I’m not into that lifestyle anymore, Its time to take charge and get myself where I should/need to be.

Absolutely true, if you think of it as a temporary diet, you’ve already lost. You have to completely change your life, don’t focus on pounds because eventually, they wont disappear as fast as you want and you will steady out. 120lbs is a lot and you have to be patient.

Watch what you eat. Kind of OT but the food here (north America) Is full of crap that isnt all that great for you. Additives and preservatives are plentifull. I eat probably a meal or two less here than I have in the past while overseas, and Im still gaining weight. Now that summer has come and I have been more active I lost a fair amount but my food intake has remained the same as during the winter. Exercise is important as well. Just my opinion but I would personally focus on Cardio as opposed to weight training , than gradually mix it up with both. Again Im no expert, but that has worked for me in the past.


Bodybuilders know how to crash unwanted weight while retaining muscle better than anyone. The key word being retain.