ahh, a healthy 190lb. I’m pretty comfortable where I’m at.
Thats how I roll big guy
Id like to get down to about 225. Im about 250 now. I really need to change what and how often I eat and Id probably be ok.
I work out 3 days a week and talk a 1/2 hour walk just about every night of the week.
I’m 148-152 regardless of what I do.
Been that way since middle school.
I’m skating right in between there too. I’ve been going back to the gym every day and eating properly since I’ve been done with my house and I’m slowly starting to see something coming back.
203 lbs.I hate it.Cant even tie my damn hockey skates anymore.:ohnoes
I’m doing something right, down to 157. :excited
I lost like 4 lbs, down to 237
lol im up to 230, i gotta get back in my playing weight of 190
We should hit up the rock gym again sometime. Lot’s of fun, good workout, not made for short people.
shit in the last week i lost like 5 lbs and gained it right back wtf am i doing wrong!!!
Ive been lifting since new years and have stayed at teh same weight lol. Havent been doing shit for cardio though, and eat like shit…
yea i felt all my weight when i fell on my ass at work this morning and landed on my knee
Since your body is mostly water, it fluctuates daily by pounds. If you weigh yourself on daily basis the fluctuation will drive you nuts.
The best thing you can do is consistency, select a day, time and setup you will do, and repeat it.
For example, every Monday morning after waking up, before eating after shower. Try to do it once a week for a good average.
holy crap I weighed myself today…I have officially broken the 200 pound mark…I remember when I weighed 163 after boot camp…I think I need to go back into the Marines geeeez.
yea i wish i could just do the bootcamp to get in shape faster…then leave lol
haha other then Iraq, boot camp was the worst part of my 4 years of active duty, but i did lose about 25lbs in the first 2 weeks.
yea i hear ya, i mean, i would totally go to boot camp for a few months then i’ll be solid by the time summer rolls around haha
not gunna lie, wish I could do that before every summer lol winter time i always gain like 20lbs then over summer lose it but not until summer is over…its a ridiculous cycle!