Welcome to censored America

I’m fine with being extreme, but when you causing collateral damage of those you are backing (The American People) then is it being extreme or at this point are they a bunch of narcissistic little kids that will do anything because they can and for the attention?

I loved what Anon/AntiSec started out to be, but what they seem to be turning into is a bunch of cyber terrorists. The only good they have done in recent months is show major security holes in peoples/companys infrastructure. Aside from that all they are doing is pissing on peoples feet.

In the end though we will see, in the end if they change anything for the better maybe all of this will be worth it, but it will be hard to say until if and when we ever see an end result.

On the flipside though, its shit like this thats going to get shit like the internet kill switch bill passed, and i dont even want to think about the shit storm that will bring.

Also vlad, the point of the thread was you wanting to discuss this issue, i voiced my opinion, if BART owned those nodes and that network, again listen NOT THAT I THINK ITS RIGHT, it would have been something they had every right to do if they so choose to, but as it turns out they did in fact not own those nodes in which case I think they had absolutely no right what so ever to touch the network.