Welcome to the 'Builds' subforum.

In this subforum, fellow community members are effectively giving us presentations on what they are working on. It is inherently an interactive presentation, allowing for questions to and from the presenter. Feel free to ask questions and give relevant and insightful input. Compliments and constructive criticism are always welcome.

Show respect for one another here. Those who post new threads here are kind enough to give us something to be entertained by and to possibly learn from, and brave enough to open their work to criticism. That deserves the respect of their community.

Keep in mind, you would get kicked out of a classroom for heckling the speaker or carrying on side conversations during the presentation. The same will happen here. :wink:

Thank you to those who submit their work here.

Great idea.

Brilliant actually.


Awesome, LAFENGAS Should own this. HaHa

:tup: I like the concept and I will be sharing.

^This is an informational post. Not a thread for DIY projects lol.
