i can’t remeber the technical term, but i’m sure adam will. i call them tampons. the go between the spoil and right b4 the drive wheels.if it’s anew spool of wire no big deal . if the wire sits yes it’s a good idea to have. they also make weld kleen that goes on them to which is suppose to clean and lube wire for smoother action. I DO NOT LIKE TO USE THE WELD KLEEN!! period. yes i know i spelled it wrong but thats what it is and how it’s spelled.
it just seem to contaminate it in my opinion. i’ve never had good luck with the weld kleen for the tampon. eespecially on low heat setting’s.
as far as warpping goes i have a few simple tricks i use. one if i can i try to form a piece of aluminum to the harea being welded this helps wick away heat and if there is a big gap u can weld over the alum. and it wont stick u can also use copper as well. i’ve also used a wet towel of several
occasion’s. especially when welding cage’s near the roof area so not to wapr or kill the paint.