Well, it's done.

Can’t be topped, ever, won’t even try…two things.

1)Guns N’ Roses in Montreal last night-beyond words. Easily the best out of the 6 times that I’ve seen them before. Sold out the Bell Centre, even though they opened up sections not normally opened for musical events…

2)So, after the show, some drunk french bastard followed my buddy and I to our hotel room (just from the hotel lobby). Seemed like a decent dude, but showed early signs of being annoying. He led myself and 2 friends on a walk through downtown Montreal, saying he knew the quickest way to get where we wanted to go, but by the time we got there it was about 4x longer than anticipated and my friends and I were PISSED.

Got to the bar, and he tried to dance with my female friend about 20 times and annoyed the fuck out of her. Not sure how, but he got my other buddy worked up several times too. Asshat was on the dance floor, annoying everyone out there also. Something needed to be done. Get in his face? Nah. Too common. Have management get him away? Bitch move. Something unique had to happen…

Fucker bought like 4 drinks, all in glasses. He went out to the dance floor, and while he was hitting on everything with a pulse, I replaced one of his beers with a warm glass of (my) piss. Clown came back, took a sip, and wanted to hang out more. LOLZ for the rest of the night and everytime we think of that.

(before people get pissed and tell me what would happen if I were to do that to them, relax. I’d never do that in my life again, nor to anyone that I consider a friend or aqquaitence to any degree, etc)

guns n roses suck


how the hell did you do that? did you go into the bathroom empty glass in hand, come out with glass full? rofl

We were at a booth, just did it right there.




ahhahahah nice work.

thats pretty clever TT i wouldnt have thought about doin that
