Well paid part-time work


Clearly. I’m gonna tell bitches I work for the Navy :wink:

haha wow… I think you probably have a better chance of getting some action if you were to tell that to the guys that come in.

Girls love converting a gay dude :wink: Just give them a sob story about how you’ve liked guys all your life, and how your dad hates you, and she’ll offer to set you straight before you know it 8)

lol. Whatever floats your boat man. :wink: No pun intended.

Yeah and before you know it you go out with her and for some reason an other guy tags along too and then you find out it’s her gay friend that she is trying to set you up with! LOL.

No thanks!

I will just stick to what works for me! It hasn’t let me down so far!

Dude… you’re greek.

why dont you just get rid of the G35c and move back home with your parents.

you’ll save more than $1000 a month and can start doing more important things.

or… get a gf that is willing to pay half the rent and cook for you.

or, get a job that pays more than the one you have right now

or, STFU and DIAF

Apparently it doesn’t count any replies I’ve made within a quote, so I have to type this.

Hey you know what they say?

Once Greek you can’t sit or walk for a week!

Good luck on that part time job. And don’t sell your G35 you will take a major loss on it. Unless you sell it out of province, those things go for more money outside of Ontario (except Quebec) they go for 3 to 4 thousand more in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, NFLD, Manitoba, Alberta and BC.
Check on autotrader.ca in the out of province section.

Some people have made a business of it, they buy cars in Toronto or Montreal because they are cheap there and they sell them out of province. You can actually make good money doing that! When I worked at Prestige we sold 30% of our cars out of province.

you know, as an aside to this topic;

right now really is the easiest time ever for anyone to get a good job.

It is a HUGE issues in HR across all of North America; the procuring and retaining of young talent.

Basically every major company on the planet is loolking to shed high salaried senior employees and replace wiht young up and comers.

you add that to the fact that so many people are going to be retiring in the next few years and you have an employee’s market big time.

It starts with the least desireably jobs… fast food and basic service level jobs.

even if you are a dunce you can get good pay in alberta right now. As a result, instead of advertising their coffee Tim horton’s has specific television campagins directed solely at recruitment.

you have all seen those commericials, but do you realise that it costs tens of millions of dollars to create them and get them out like that?

i know that CARSTAR franchises all over the country and dieing to hire and train entry level auto body technicians.

tradesmen off all kind are seeing huge rate increases due to lack of supply.

this is not directed at you antonio, but anyone who doesnt have decent work.

if you cannot find a job you are either not trying at all or you are a complete idiot, and most likely both.

Great point Bing.

I believe, the up and coming market will be difficult and competitive to make a business survive but it should be easy to find work and well paid work at that.

If you haven’t gone to college or university, I suggest you get off your ass and get it done.

Take a general business degree, BA, BSc or whatever your little heart desires but make sure you minor in management.

Why management?

Think about what jobs the boomers have right now? They’re your manager and they WANT to retire. Who will they hire, some dimwit that didn’t goto school?

Trades are pimp, the gov’t is even offering a $1000 grant to you if you are in your 1st or 2nd year of an apprenticeship, for nothing… just to get kids to get into trades. Plus your schooling is damned cheap, like seriously less than a tenth on a university degree and if you can manage to find a cool job your set. If I sacraficed half of my saterdays to work that is available to me now, I would be nearing 80K, but I just want to have fun and drink my face off Friday nights sometimes.

Management is good too but try to stay away from middle management, you are responsible for all of the screw-ups beneath you and get shit on constantly by the managers above you for not only your mess ups but everyone elses.

Shoot for the top at whatever you choose to do! If you can’t see yourself getting there within 5 years, LEAVE! Leave while your still young and desirable to those companies looking ofr that long term dude, it is pretty tough to find a high paying low input type of job when you are 40+

blah blah blah…

Good luck Antonio, this wasn’t directed at you but just further extending Bings tangent.