Went out for the disturbed discography...

should of just stuck with getting the disturbed discography \:D/

and you bitched about 1200 over a title lolol. What happened to 2k rollers everywhere? with slicks skinnies and cages? :biglol:

now that thats done lol. This is a good looking car. keeping the same color combo as originally planned or have you changed your mind already?
How much nitrous you plan on dumping thru this? and when do you expect it to be out? Can’t wait to see it in person.

Your car is still a POS I didn’t pay to much for this car.

Keeping it same color combo you can’t tell from the pics but the paint is hammered everywhere lol it looks great from 20ft away but I plan on keeping it so paint is no big issue I was already planning on resparying most of it anyways.

Not going to bottle this car at least no plans to right now want to run mid 10s cam only

Uh out and cruising or out and at the track? Paint job is pushing back me buying a rear end for another month

Next couple weeks it will be out and shaking out bugs etc and tossing in a bigger cam, intake manifold etc

Paint next month

I’m guessing July-august before a serious track pass



Girlfriend stole my point and shoot camera so shitty iphone photos…

The more I start picking away at this the more I think it won’t be out till August lol

Looking good, nice seeing it today.

Doing things right once. I like it.