I wasnt planning on going out but had to run downtown anyways.

looks like fun tup.
The 2nd vid was the second time i went thru that hole. The first time i thought my truck was going to be screwed up. i was throwing 4in ice chunks at my side windows.
i was going through a big ice puddle in my old jimmy, and the ice actually ripped my valvstem off 3 of my tires at one time. lol and i had 1 spare.
i made it half way up the hill in the second pic. then my truck bottomed out.
i think mindless and i went up that one hill
oh just rub it in why dont you.lol.
oh just rub it in why dont you.lol.
lol. sorry :lol:
Once i put my lift shackles on and crank the torsion bars a little more i know i will clear it.
LOL just watched it again with my internet connection not sucking and i see that was just the ice flying out.
good runs tho. need to get some mudders. go body out
post up if you guys are going again next weekend.
if its not too bitter cold ill get the CJ5 out (locked front and rear, 35"s, 10Kwinch, open cab in the back) or ill bring my CJ8, 35"s, open diffs which is my current winter play toy
hole at Tift
dont know what it posted that twice
look like one of the holes i went in.
i might go out next weekend not sure yet.
I was thinking some muders and new posi unit next spring.
if you mean with truck in the videos i dont think that hole lol… i was in water to my armpits getting to my winch after i could hear my motor start to slurp so i shut it down and winched out. my jeeps are pretty high, and that was a hole a had to make a trail to get to, only cause it was a dry day and the rest of the runs were rock hard.
i have a vid somewhere of my truck in water up to the middle of my door i will see if i can find it and load it on the computer.
I have faith in my blazer…Somtimes.lol.
I wish i didnt just sell my old chevy pickup! looks a lot of fun