Well i went to Detroit this past Saturday for the North American auto show and took quite a few pictures of some amazing cars so i figured id share them with you guys enjoy!!

Well i went to Detroit this past Saturday for the North American auto show and took quite a few pictures of some amazing cars so i figured id share them with you guys enjoy!!
lol naw didn’t take any of the city got there and went right to the show by the time we got out it was dark. I did see a guy stopping every person he saw for money tho.
that cars the Falcon F7 made by falcon motorsports never heard of them before but the car was pretty awesome they’ve got a webpage for the car. —> http://www.falconf7.com/
If the Atlas is what the next F-150 looks like, I’m changing some purchase plans. It looks great.
Yeah that truck was awesome they were saying a few things on it might change on it but nothing to major. it was huge lol made the raptor next to it look small.
“Hmm, we’re running out of room in our booth for our second car…let’s hang it on the wall…”
:tup: … nice pics!
I went a number of years ago (2006) and I really enjoyed making a day out of it; however, I did not stay the entire weekend.
Glad you didn’t get mugged.
It isn’t what the show used to be, but it is better than it was the last couple years. No Lambo/Lotus this year was a let down. Also concepts used to be extreme showing off future design language and things that will never make it to production, now they are what the car will look like in 2 years.
Yeah i was pretty bummed when i say they weren’t there. the only Austin that was there was a modded one from the falcon motorsports guys i would have liked to see some of those to.
Nice i really like the focus st’s
Great pics man, looked like a blast!