One day in Detroit (56k gets stuck in Customs)

My experience from Detroit. I apologize for shitty picture quality: I’m far from a professional photographer, and it was my first time using the camera (was probably a little too much camera for me :bloated: ) Anyways, I threw a couple in for your enjoyment and there’s a link at the bottom for the rest.

Pretty self explainatory.
Mazda Kabura concept, do I see a little of the RX-8 in there?
A very cool display for Volvo… and this wasn’t the best one IMO
And of course one of the cars EVERYONE wanted to see…
Look like something off another Misubishi concept?
And the Saturn Skye… still prefer it over the Solstice
Blurry, I know, but with low level light and no tripod, I think it came out pretty good :gotme:
Picture’s worth 1000 words, or at least one (and its say GXP behind the railing)
I had too, seeing as how I drive the crappy version
Widebody tC anyone??? I know there’s a few people out there :wink:
Travis Pastrana’s '06 Rally car
Yeah… Porsche :smiley:
Now if only I could have heard the engine running :sigh:
Like I said, looks great in person

Plenty more pics HERE


simply beautiful

that camaro is fawkn hot shit

Aww he wants to be a Monte


shit, i wish i woulda known you were here, you could have hung out with me and some of my buds. iwill be going tommorow so i am trying to not look at any of those pics.

nice pics foo

Bret and I were only there on Tuesday (and man did customs suck!!!) All I can say is that I will do everything in my power to be there next year. And I think a bigger group might be better :wink:

And just in case you (or anyone else there) doesn’t know, the Saleen display is in the lobby at the far end.

Enjoy the crowd… :stuck_out_tongue: Tuesday was great in the respect that there weren’t that many people there at all.

awesome pics, thanks for posting :tup:

great pics…lvoe the color on the s7…drooooooooooool


Nice pics :tup:, why didn’t you use the tripod? :smash2:

:word: I saw one of the new Montes this week. I thought it was a Cobalt at first, then I looked again. “No, that’s too big to be a Cobalt.” haha

Travis Pastrana, is there anything that kid can’t do??

wow beautiful… that maro is the shit :tup:

Great pics. I’ve always wanted to hit up Detroit for the Auto Show. Looks like a great time

Drive? :stuck_out_tongue:

haha that was my answer

i just got back and you guys were right aout the crowd. not that i really cared cuz i dont sit in the cars…but just trying to walk from one display to another was a pita.

overall i was unimpressed. i think i might be getting older but these shows dont do it for me as much anymore. it didnt help that there really seemed to be no “cool” new performance cars with production in the near future. i am waiting for toyota to bring one, infinity has theirs but i am not sold on it yet. VW has the fsi technology but wont give up the heavy platforms. audi has completely dropped the ball with going NA on all their cars. BMW imo isnt that exciting…their m6 is just ok and the new m coupe looks like ass.

i dunno, maybe next year will be better.

This year was not as good as what I’ve seen in the past. Not nearly as many new cars being developed this year, everything cool has, for the most part, already been put into production. The exceptions being the Camaro, Challenger and Muira.

Disagree there, I think the new M Coupe is much better looking than the car it replaces. The profile in particular reminds me of the 240z, where the old Z3-based car reminded me of the ambiguously gay duo’s car.