Went to the NASCAR race at RIR on Sat

I had never been to a NASCAR race before, and neither had hubby, and know nothing about it basically aside from watching the occasional race on TV, he wanted to go to one for the longest time. So his best friend Jay, who he grew up with here in Pittsburgh, but now lives in Richmond, VA (where I grew up and how Doug and I met thru him) got us tickets for Doug’s birthday which was on the 7th of Sept.

Well it was a blast. Went down to the racetrack around 2pm, walked around, saw all the trailers etc and the people losing their minds at them filming for the Speed Channel on site. Saw many drunk rednecks, too many fat chicks wearing too tight clothing. Saw three people getting arrested etc…

I wore my Steelers T-shirt and had countless people shouting “Go Steelers” at me!!! :smiley:

We had the Penn State game on the camping TV for the tailgate party playing (too bad the game sucked), cooked up some eats, drank lots of beer…you get the picture…

We had 4th row tickets on turn 2 (where all the wrecks happen) :eek: It was hella LOUD omg I was so glad my dad gave me ear thingys (I want to call them ear muffs!) I did wish I had a headset that I could hear the announcers/drivers on b/c w/o sound it’s pretty surreal, and quiet! LOL I had no idea what was going on, just cars going fast in a circle and an occasional wreck. And the smell…ah the smell…yessssssssss…Here are the pics…

Doug’s friend Jay with a random Steelers fan who was wearing a Monogohelia something or other hat who is from Pgh…(like jay and doug the hubby are)


Inside (man it’s HUGE! 110,000 people) :eek2:



I was the quick draw on the fly over :naughty:


The “parade” of cars before the start…

yep the dude in front of us had a “steelers” lanyard on :steelers: LOL


Goin too quick, should have changed my shutter speed!!! Oh well…


Doug, and me, in my princess leia ear thingys


tried to take a short vid w/ my camera, it was so freakin loud that the camera didn’t record the sound very well


Oh, and the best thing, you bring your own beer and food in and you can smoke in the stands FTW! w00t!~

you were siting kind of close to my dad. he was in section k in dogwood. i was there in section o in henricko tower. thats near turn 3. that race was one of the worst races at richmound not enough action or wrecks. maybe i am spoiled from all the previous wrecks they had there in previous years

i stay with my friend in Glen Allen VA off rt1 if you know where that is

but i think Richmound is the best race on the circuit though


That loud?

me too. i went two years ago on a september 11th night race. had one of the best times in my life. i love watching them without ear plugs in.:mullet:

LOL I wish I had known you were gonna be there, we coulda slung back a few brews. We were in section R row 4…

We also wanted (as bad as it sounds) more wrecks :scared: Kept my eye on the stretch between turn 1 and 2 but nothin really happened aside from that first two car slide…we left after lap 340 to avoid the traffic goin home…:eek4: listened to the final laps in the “mini van” haha

Used to keep my horse out in Glen Allen, yep I know where that is…

Deafening. Loudest event I’ve been to EVER. Make your teeth rattle and think your phone is on “vibrate when it’s not” kind of loud…:eek: We were really close to the track tho…not sure if it’s that loud up up up up in the nosebleeds…

me too. i went two years ago on a september 11th night race. had one of the best times in my life. i love watching them without ear plugs in.

Dood you are crazy as he!! LOL Taking off those ear things was like, painful! I’d be (more) deaf had I been there w/o ear “muffs” LOL

Know what they say if it’s too loud your too old. anyhow thoes are shooter ear guards i have a few pair in the basement. but iam all into the nascar racing thing so i know alot about stuff. but it’s cool you got to go. next years trip for me is the indy 500 free tickets.

nice,congrats they rock!

You think thats loud, you definately need to go to a NHRA national event.

AWESOME…I hope to get to go one day myself, and hopefully I will get tickets for my birthday too …( B-DAY is JULY 31st…mark this in your calenders everyone :x: )

I’ve heard when the top fuel dragsters launch the ground shakes

Something just doesnt look “right” in this thread


they’re both bad ass!