well, had a good day today and learned alot about my car.
here is my new best time at lancaster and in my slow pos bimmer.:lol:
reaction---- .9040
60ft-------- 1.8800
330-------- 5.1258
et@594 ft-- 7.2981
1/8 et------ 7.7771
1/8 mph---- 93.95
cant wait to get the car dialed in and run some mid to low 7’s.
Nice. You’re running an e36 right ?
damn 93 in the 1/8th? nice work
mid/low 7’s for sure once u get that launch figured out
who make a post like this without even saying what kind of car???
because we already know what he drives 
great times man! :tup:
what did u run with the 240 at lancaster jay?
vehicle is a 97 bmw 328is
nice runs john!!! guess i don’t need to race you as i am slower.
what did u run with the 240 at lancaster jay?
oh man…thats goin back some time (3 yrs now?)… haha all i remember is it trapped 86
actually thats pretty good those times are on top of my old car at lancaster
Was this on 93 or 100 mix? Either way nicely done!
Low boost pump gas magic?
so what would it run in the 1/4?
Bring my helmet to hybrid. Kthnx
Not bad JD, just get some more time at the track and you can hit some mid 7’s easy. I would say this car is capable of about 11.7ish at 125mphish.