West End Meet...every wednesday

i’ll go if it doesn’t rain.

what time does everyone show up? I can make it by 9ish.

Don’t have Ed’s number. I sent him an SMS (over MSN though) and I’m not sure if he got that…

EDIT: Until what time is that Timmies open? It would suck if it closes at 10 or something…

9:30 should be ok… I think most guys show up around 9:30-10

ill swing by 2nyte, n e one wanna do my 5pd swap for me???lol

nice turnout tonite, i figure you all are probably still there, but damn, Dan(u2une) NICEEEEEEEEEEEEEE s14 dude shit that car is hot, duck_Jai and season also great s14’s. and i cant let this message end without bensons sil40…was looking hot and when you parked beside me you made my car look like poo :slight_smile:

anyways, nice t osee ALOT of new people and im glad this new spot turned out as good as it did, i wish i wasnt hosting a party so i could stay.

Fuck me, I wish I didn’t miss it. Sounds nuts!
Next week again guys!

Good meet guys, great turnout, even got a GTR out there haha

that was a good meet. :smiley:

haha yes indeedy, how was the ride in samson’s car? :stuck_out_tongue:

and in terms of the location, its a great location but the security did come and check on us once, i may talk to the property owner about letting us hold the meets there. else i may talk to my friends in sq1 security haha

yeah, a lot of people showed up… we can keep this spot or if everyone wants, we can change it to another location … if someone has a suggestion, post it up :slight_smile:

I thought we got kicked out? Why did I leave then?

I think the dude with the sweet Q45 was awesome. I wanted to have his babies, but he said no.

You should have come osad.

The parking lot guy never came back… and I found it odd that there were other people in that lot as well that stayed even after I left… so I don’t think we would have had any trouble being there…

yeah it should be perfect, i say we try again next week, and if the guy comes up to us again then i’ll use my superior negotiating skills and if that doesnt work well im sure i could work something out with him…bribe him with a couple hundred cups of coffee or something haha

Square one is a retarded place to meet if you in a modified cars. We might as well to back to 403 and Dundas because it is no better.

let them come, they have nothing on us. plus look at it this way, its a method of controlling the immature stupid ones who want to do donuts in the parking lot

403/Dundas is at least 10x worse than Sq1… at that timmies there were like 20 people (excluding us) and I only saw 2 modified cars (those subbies in the corner)…

i think this place was cool, even tho a modified car around there kinda sucks. when i left i pulled out rite beside a cop! he stared at me but i smiled and he went on his way.

So is this going down this Wednesday?? (The 5th)