West End Meet...every wednesday

  1. Osad (maybe)
  2. rmallari - Roel

I’ll probably swing by, if not I will be at the Leafs season opener :smiley:

sorry guys… can’t make it. I’m in Europe for the next few days…

Way to give us a heads up!!

Have fun Bog, hit the red light district for the both of us :wink:

Where is everyone meeting tonight?

Sq 1 tim’s… location is on the first page man.

i might just show up…

Decent turn out for a hockey game night haha!

was good, id like to thank will for tunring everything he could in my car.
open gas door, folded mirrors ect.

lol it was worth the effort haha, i had to leave you with something to remember me by, i was gonna release your handbrake too but i could see too many things goin wrong with that idea lolz

haha at least if you released the handbrake and put my car in gear i would have probably started it and looked like a fool without my foot on the clutch.
dont lie…all you guys have done it once before

lol… I didn’t even know myself I was gonna go… I’ll tell you later what happened.


Or is weather > you?

is it only gunna be you and i dan?

nope cause i’ll be there with johnny

Mike and I are playing video games in my basement… have fun boys. You should have told me earlier!

ur pretty much a fag.

fag, i dont think ill be going, i thought that osad would be coming.
