West End Meet...every wednesday

Mike just left :’(

Anyone tonight?

I’ll go, nothing better to do. Is it still at the SQ1 Timmies? Around what time do ppl usually go?

If it happens, we’ll be there around 9:30-10pm tonight and yes at the sq 1 timmies.

Antonio… will we finally meet? Will our never ending fued end? Find out tonight :wink:

I’ll be there as well then :slight_smile:
say 9:15-9:30

you are both huge shit talkers on the internet and both sweetie pies in real life so I’m sure there will be only hugs and kisses going around when you meet.

We had a feud? Are you sure? :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m pretty vocal about who I like and dislike, and chances are if your first name isn’t A, and last name Ahmed, then we’re cool :smiley: I’ll aim to be there around 9:15 as well.

ya i can attest to osad being a shit talker

145lb asian man > 180lb big ass white dude

i was wearing some nice clothes too, you made me get dirtyyyyy =P

but on a serious note, volunteering was pretty fun at dmcc, but not gonna do it again. i rather be a driver

osad, you gonna come on sunday?

osad is only 180lb?

hes bigger than me (not fatter though) and im 215…

You best be coming tonight too :stuck_out_tongue: I like meeting new people, but I definitely want to see a bunch of people I know too.

ok 230+ lbs?

i dunno i was just guessing lol

ok 230+ lbs? lool i dunno

just guessing

wow… im FLATTERED… only 180lbs?

Nah I weight about 215-220 now, 6"3. My mom says I’m fat :frowning:

Antonio, we did have shit, but all is forgiven… except that one thing you said about my dog.

And Samson, no I probably won’t be out. Hopefully some work will get done on my car.

So who’s actually coming? I better know someone when I get there :stuck_out_tongue:

Mike and myself most likely.

osad may not be going anymore

he had a little accident involving the hood of my car

ayy ahh, any of u guys comming oout at sq1 tonite??

i’m working until 11.


John, Mark and I are coming.

Not bad guys, other than the ridiculous fog…

Nice meeting you Solarian!