West End Meet...every wednesday

Was cool to stop by and see you guys.

Next time we’re bringing baseball equipment k?

Hahaha, deal!

Are there any East End meets … or are they all in the west end…

Haha, baseball equipment :smiley:
We should just bring hockey stuff and join in with the rest of the people playing there. But I’m gonna park somewhere else lol.
It was great meeting everyone, Osad is an even bigger jew in person :lol:, and meeting Theo was way overdue, we’ve both been here way too long to not know eachother. Great meet though, better turnout than I expected in that dirty-ass fog.

24K, it’s like the sticky below this one :stuck_out_tongue:
Link: http://www.son240sx.org/forums/showthread.php?t=13887

anyone showing up tonight?

I’ll go if you go :stuck_out_tongue:

i may show if one of you guys call me to let me know if its worth showing up for

bogdan, i lost your number and antonio i never had your number to begin with lolz

Go on Fob Book, I’ll msg you it.

alright guys, I’ll be there around 9 :slight_smile:

Will, I’ll send you my cell # again…

i may show up too.

Good, I’ll give you the deposit for them HIDzzz

i will show up, maybe at 9 or so!!

Can someone come over and help me get my car moving again?!?!

VIP meet at my house! PLEASE!

Fuck your car. And your couch. Walk or get a ride from someone :stuck_out_tongue:

i can give you a deposit too if you show up

ok i am going there now, lith is already there and no one has arrive.

Fack you!

LOL OH YEAH i knew i forgot something on monday hahahaha sorry dan, next monday we’ll come by and take a look at it lolz

Hahaha, good ol’ Osad. I can just imagine him trapped in a burning building and people are thinking… I’m forgetting something… not sure what though… Oh well :wink:

WTF?!?! Your one sick FUCK!:madfawk: