West End Meet...every wednesday

update if its gonna happen

There’s a 93% chance it won’t.

I would go but damn man its f-ing cold!!

Agreed its cold but i would still like to get out there but a meet only happens with 2 cars +

I prolly won’t show. Sorry Peter, I’m not picking up someone who fucked me over! joking… (but u somewhat did, i want some moneyz back, or more random parts)

Nobody really showed enough interest, and I got other plans. Maybe next week guys!

West End meets aren’t fun unless you get tear-gassed out of the Timmy’s.

Ask anyone who was there…it was awesome.

Where have the meets been decided and at what times do they normally aquire the most ppl?

Meets are at the timmies across from square one and they usually start around 9-10ish but seeing that its freakin cold out and most of us are not cold resistant (myself included) its pretty much been put on hold till we can randomly hit 14 again hahaha


lets do this again!

^^ Agree’d
I’m up for it.

Chris did you get the link to the pics from petes?

yea i have them on my facebook lool
sick pics man. thank you. your car is on the album also.

common people lets see if there is any interest’s for this wed at square one tim hortons. always fun stuff to do.

What time are the gatherings???

I’ll come out.

People start showing up at 9. I’m there earlier if I have to pick up my gf from work.

Meet usually ends at 11-something, when someone lets loose some pepper spray/bombs.

I still think Timmy’s was behind it and it is possible one of the greatest deterrents for loiterers.

I won’t be able to make it this week - car is shopped…I’m getting another “cheesy bolt-on” :slight_smile:

Im down for meeting up this week, Remy will probably come as well, maybe even in his vert.

Will there be a lot of ricers though?

My Cars more than enough rice for anyone :), so yes I will be there.

haha awesome… btw are the meets going to go back to derry and 10th now or what?

That is a great Idea Mark

Derry and Tenth Ftw!