Derry and 10th line tomorrow boyz.
1st page been updated.
Old skool! Benson, thats exactly what we were discussing before (when you were drunk).
Yeah I like Derry and 10th, however, might not be able to make it this wednesday…
I wont be making it out for a few weeks at least. Hope to see you guys all out soon in a month or so at derry/tenth. Now lets KEEP it there! + now theres a decent bar there…for a drink or two, i have not checked out the menu
lol you guys are assholes, derry and 10th is so close for you
but further then sq 1 for me.
w/e tho…ill still show up…
9pm WED derry and 10th errrrone should go. i need to talk to you benson also if you can make it, it would be great.
hahah Jaw I was sober you dink.
Ill do my best to stop by to talk to you man.
so wednesday…derry and 10th line?
sq1 is bettr
yeah lets go to square one.
well this is gunna be a ongoing battle, seeing as someone already changed it to 10th and dderry just roll with it for a while, see how the turn out is. if its not as good as square one we can vote it back?
A specific place needs to be decided.
Derry and 10th line is much farther i believe for most people of the west end, square one seems much closer.
Can we agree that square one is eaiser for us?
You guys can goto square 1, when you get bored, swing by.
Square 1 is easier, but Derry and 10th line is OG
See you ladies there, kthnx bye.
haha kthxbye.
yea derry and 10th just has a better mood to it for some reason.
was the first place i went to for a car meet. i remember seeing someone with a coupe / either blue or purple silvia front end with i belive a ca18det in it and i thought it was the motha f’in shit.
anyways see you guys tomorow.
garrr… OG status max. I izz OG too yo’z.
How about this…
Ricers goto sq1 because its gay and attention grabbing…
And Hard parkers can goto derry & 10.
Everyone else… see you at TJ’s
hahaha, go dustin
what time are people meeting? I am busy after 10
Ok ok, derry and 10th it is lol.
How many ppl going up 2moro?
So who was the fucking idiot who moved the meet to Square one to begin with? Now everyone is split up… picard…
yea honestly, lets just all go to the og spot of derry and tenth, i think if osad is posting in here he better get his ass to the meet. saab ftl.