West End Meet...every wednesday

i wont be there probably…

Derry and tenth is a calm location and really open…Not that its empty(with that bar there now) but it doesnt attract the wrong kind of attention.

Shit Dustin! Im a ricer and hardpaker…now what smart guy?

10th/Derry = OG (like real OG’s)
Square 1 = ppl that dont know the secret handshake

So what time do most people usually show up?

9ish ill be there…or i should be there around that time lool

Ya, Ill be going early today as I will have to leave around 9:30
So I am going around 8 to get a coffee. Jaw let meet early, hell you live right there

benson what time you going at? im gunna try to be there early too.

You never bring a car so does it really matter…


I am going to go just around 8

First meet I’am going to…I hope I’am not disapointed.

So how was the meet? I missed it.

lol whats funny is all the people that wanted to have it at derry +10th didnt show up

qew and 403 ftw

it was good to meet people from the forum, put some faces to some names… all good and jokes ppl!!! 403 and Dundas ftw

i didnt know how many people were busting the pinks tv show shit at a certian place “Bro i bet i can take you with my toolbox”
or “bro i bet you my tool box i can take you”

something along thoes lines, and as i left a few poeple in hondas were like do a burnout and ill do one too…so i rolled out with ease. probably blew their minds.

Sq1 for the win, I don’t have to bum rides that way =)

So it was pretty funny to see random 240’s end up in the same place as us. Although we had moved spots from derry and 10th line, over to qew and 403 it was all in all a fun night. Got to put some names to faces other than Chris and Pete lol.

The night was topped off with the bahhhhhing noises off the shitvics hitting vtak within a 4 foot radius of a curb.

Did the cops come by after I had left guys? Me and Josh saw cherries just as I had pulled out of the parking lot, wasn’t sure if they decided to stop by lol.

The derry and 10th line is it really at Britania and 10th line? If so fuck no1 even showed up…wasted my damn gas.

that was jokes!!

its derry and 10th line. People were there.

anyone going tonight?