West Toronto Meet [8:30pm-onward]

it wasn’t a bad turnout, considering everyone went to the track :slight_smile:

“That McDonalds is baller”

any of you ladies planning to show up tomorrow evening? last week I did not make it due to Peter’s Track day. Do it up and show up.

Ill head over tonight

rain cleared up, looks like a nice dry night.

I’ll probably show up…

i may show up… possiblyyyyyyy

you better show up if i do lol

oh well then i’m definetly not coming now… haha

pfftt irff you’ve never even been to this meet yet…

I’ll be there in 20mins.

anyone coming out tonight? good night no rain like last week.

me and irff’ll come out…

anyone plan to come out? holler at cho boy

cant this week :frowning:
& i like that tims too lol…mabye next week


maybe, to show off my CAGE!!!

:open_mouth: dammmmmn

roel will probably come since he doesnt have to listen to me bitch and whine to him anymore lol.

ah man you guys r tempting me to reach out tonight girls + CAGE!..AND ROEL! ahaha…i might might most likey will come if you guys are all going lol…

what girls?