wexford car show


easy now… :finger2:

i dont give a fuck if bikes fall over in the grass. off a cliff…whatever… i still stand by my point that they shouldnt have the best spot in the lot…next to the food :slight_smile:

Parking next to the food is no good. Someone there (maybe the kettle corn guy) creates a looming grease cloud. My friends car got all greasy looking parked over there. Looked like tire shine overspray. Unless someone was spraying tire shine in the wind, I bet it was the food vendors. Leave the bikes over there.

bikes belong at a bike cruises…i wonder if they’ll save my car a spot at a bike cruise. No… actually i dont really care anymore…it was more an issue when there were no spots left and i’d see a row of that shit. shouldn’t be an issue with the upper lot.

Yeah should chain the bike up at the bike racks :kekegay:

Easy solution, Don’t come!

It is a awesome free cruise these guys bust their ass to put on and you are going to sit here and nitpick over fucking nothing.

dont feel bad, nobody really likes oldsmobiles either :rofl:

your almost as retarded as oldsmobile. your car belongs in a crusher…bikes are just fine at the cruise. dont bitch or dont come…that simple.

fuck you… i’ll fuck ur mom in front of ur face and punch ur dog in the mouth.

errr oldsmobile retarded…shut the fuck up.

oldsmobile are retarded & SUCK

i drive a buick and a chevy too.

that may be true…but then your going to have to leave in your oldsmobile… and that my friend would suck worse than the latter of your comment.


i’ll leave in my chevy… i dont let hookers in the olds.

All of 2toneishot’s dogs have died of aids. so rules out the dog comment

so ur saying he’s not only gay but into bestiality pedophila? WOW!

:yawn: your comebacks are as lame as the organization you work for :slap:

i believe my company made money last year in a terrible economy, the team’s performance is totally irrelevant. Business is business.