wexford car show

Your an idiot… Why is the no hats rule dumb? You prolly don’t take yours off for the national anthem either. It’s about respect… Get some!

I am sure i will be making quite a few appearances here as long as happy hour doens’t suck me in too much.

one thing that ticks me is that bike have the best spot in the lot… make them park in the grass…less chance of it getting tore up. i towuld be nice to have vette/stang section so i could skip right over… love vettes but that cruise in particular has a gross amount of vettes and stangs and they can become quite boring. i’ll make sure i make my work schedule so i get done at like 2… gettin to starlite past 6 is suicide.

kickstands work real well in grass. Maybe I’ll park my 750lb bike in the grass next to your car :smiley:


my thoughts exactly. that is just disaster waiting ot happen parking in grass. plus the grass will get torn up from vehicle traffic. don’t think they need more work to maintain the show than necessary. i assume they have their hands full as it is.

^ Lol so true.


they need the top lot so they can drift start their cars or roll them onto flatbed when done

fuck bikes

ya…then maybe the bikes can have a national burnout day in the grass…cause that would be sick as hell!!! :crying:


All of your rules seem like they should be common sense anyways. I for one look forward to attending this event.

You’ve GOT to be fucking kidding me. Oh man… Beeohbee wtf are you thinking? :bowrofl: :bowrofl: :bowrofl:

yea, make bikes park in the grass so when they put the kickstand down it sinks into the ground and they fall over…douche

make a post about how stupid that is, after 10 people have already pointed that out…douche.


ask me if i care what darkstar thinks of what i post…fag

suck it, mailboy. :rofl:

go clean a pool after a large group of guys just creamed in it. :wackit:

been there, done that, unfortunately…

try using the pool vacuum & not ur tongue
