Wexford Starlite Car Cruise rumors cleared up

I’ll be out again. Weather looks good.

i had fun talking with everyone from here when i was there but i normally go every friday since the day it started

i’ll be there…

I’ll be there too. But without my car again.:crying:

As always Ill show up late…

I’ll be there.

The goats will be back again this week :smiley:

Will be going straight for the upper lot for now on.

As usual im pulling as everyone is leaving cept for Jeffy who was busy workin on an apple dumpling and in no hurry

they had apple dumplings?!?!

yup…he really seemed to enjoy it too

hell yeah
the greek place and apple dumplings
that will be the reason i go back. soooooo gooooooood
dammit is it friday yet?

now i can’t wait for friday and apple dumplings…

Supp to be 93 this friday. Will be hot but i’ll probaly be out there again.

ill be there fo sho…and im sure we we’ll get apple dumplings

Oh WTF the greek joint had apple dumplings? no wonder the line was so long.

no the greek joint had awesome food
next to it was the apple dumpling joint.
is it friday yet?


Gonna be a warm one Friday… predicting 93ish…

Ill be looking for the ice cream stand.

Look for me I Love ICE CREAM!!!


