Wexford Starlite Car Cruise rumors cleared up

it was just plain ugly.

I had no clue. My class was a long line of Silverado SS’s and then me. I didn’t really care if I placed or not. I took my dad up there & he doesn’t really walk all that well, so it was just a parking spot for me in the show field. I didn’t even clean the bugs off of it :smiley:

Glad to see Holty got 1st place. He was 2 spaces away from me.

congrats tod & holty

And I need someone to clear this up for me… or maybe this should be a start of a new thread! Last night at “a” cruise, I was admiring a car and talking to the owner when he mentioned that 2 weeks ago at the Wexford Cruise…some was so kind to break out his head lights and along with another Custom Truck next to his vehicle. He said it must have been with a spring loaded punch. I asked how can this happen…were you not at your car? And he was not just like he said tome. Where are you and were is your car NOW??? Good thought, statement and question. If this happening is true, which I can not see and false statements being made here…WHAT THE HELL is happening?

I’ve never heard of that happenning at wexford, not even rumors.

…I do know the “LAW” was not happy with my rollin up in the blue vette this past cruise :angel:

His story sounds like BS to me, Jim (unless he had an ex-wife follow him to the cruise). I’ve never had anything happen to one of my vehicles at a cruise or show over the last 15 or more years.

I would think the story is BS also. I feel Starlite is a very secure cruise. And in a place loaded withg car people, something as obvious as breaking headlights would DEFINITELY be noticed.

however, last year at the big show on 228, my buddy’s Shelby had the dash gauges scratched with what looked like a nail. but his car was parked secluded behind the building by itself.

Its not unbelieveable, but i’d think its improbable.

What is he claiming that happened? the cruise 2 weeks ago was a total of like 20 cars. So if something happened its his fault because the cars were all on the upper lot and very close to each other.

I really don’t want to carry it further, just wanted to see if there was any fact to it. I myself can’t see how this would happen at any cruise. …there are just too many people. BUT just for $hits and giggles the next time I see him…I will try to pin done more information.

what color are you gonna paint the dart? :rofl:

Will be there this week for sure, Weather looks great, Goat is clean, and its GTO Night!

I was thinking a black front end and a gray ass end…:hsdance:


we’ll be there this week

Its GTO & All Pontiac Night, so make sure to bring that TA down to the featured row :smiley:

trucks runnin good, i’ll be there.



think im gonna ride up and chill also for a little bit

looks like its a no go tonight. going to quaker

I was wondering if the rules at Wexford were ever going to be enforced?

The rules clearly state…

1. Alcoholic beverages or the consumption of such are not permitted on cruise premises.

  1. Space saving is permitted ONLY on the upper lot, and must be released at 6PM

  2. For sale signs, and solicitation of sales for vehicles is not permitted on cruise premises

  3. No Pets

Ok, maybe I’m missing something, but…

This event held by NCCC is from 6:00 till 10:00. When a family that belongs to the church, leaves work early once a month so they can enjoy an evening there, arrives at 4:45, and is told the Lower Lot is “FULL” and must park in the Upper Mad Max Wasteland Lot, when there are at least 20 spaces available that are being used by “CHAIRS”… something is seriously wrong with this picture.

If something isn’t done about this, I am going to take matters into my own hands and bring my pickup trunk and drive through collecting every single chair that is saving a space. That will make history and be talked about for years.

I suggest the church hand out the rules printed on a full sheet of paper to every driver coming into the lower lot. Tell every single one of those drivers, if they can’t follow the rules they will be asked to leave.

It’s that simple.