wff: foam

Im looking for any kind of foam. If anyone has some that they are looking to get rid of let me know. It can be old couch cushions matress pads (egg carton) or just blocks of foam it really doesnt matter.

Im not looking to buy any so please dont offer any foam for a price.
thanks guys!!

foam pit?

sound proofing a room

foam is a horrible sound proofer… you need weight/density to block sound

start doing some reading

i did a TON of research

your best bet is to install dura barrier, its like dynamatt cept VERY heavy, and you sandwhich it between drywall layers…

I rent the place so im doing the guy a favor by putting it up. We put some foam up and it did a huge difference. I just need a little more to cover a few more areas for a shitty practice room. I do know about that heavy drywall stuff you are talking about though.

ok, apparently your room doesn’t obey physics…

Collect egg cartons. Preferably the cardboard ones.


? foam on the walls WILL absorb sound. that link you posted didn’t say it wont work either, it just tells you why some of the materials aren’t practical. The rooms acoustic absorbency will no doubt be increased, but it will not be “soundproofed”.

eliminating 90degree angles in the room is another cheap way to make it sound better. diagonals all the way around ftw

this does not work

^ thats odd. I say that because we have done it in the past. Twice, in two different installs.

You couldn’t hear shit in the apt above the “studio”. Whereas before the people complained constantly.


The point is not so much absorbing the sound, as it is to break up the sound wave structure. This is what we went on, and it worked.

Just so I understand, are you trying to deaden sound inside the room or make it so the sound doesn’t escape the room or make it sound proof from the outside noise?

foam does not absorb sound persay… it just baffles it… low frequency will cut right through it…

there are 2 ways to BLOCK sound

Adding space and deleting connections…

Ie adding soudn isolation hangers to your drywall so that the sound does not trasmit through the studs and back out the other side

or adding mass, that sound cannot trasmit through very easily…

stappling low density foam to the walls will make the acoustics better inside the room, but will not stop bass and other annoying frequencies from being trasmitted through the wall…

did you take a look at the link i posted?

common “Eggcrate” cardboard egg holders. You have no idea the number of people who tell us their trials and tribulations to find quantities of it, buy it and install it only to find it does little or no soundproofing! This appears to be because it is frequency “holy”. That is, it has characteristics where sound at certain frequencies passes freely through it! Some have told us that some sound transmissions seems to be somewhat enhanced!

if you are trying to block sound from escaping a room, there are only 2 ways… decoupling and deadening (mass)

old moving blankets and sleepingbags work also

No, i didn’t. I don’t need to, as I’m not deadening anything.

What I’m doing is telling you what worked. Go over to 9 wellington (on the corner of linden) and check out the studio in the basment. You’ll find office ceiling tiles, under a layer of eggcrates… all around. And with the door shut, you won’t hear anything.

Oh, there was a layer of 6mil plastic between the tiles & the drywall.