A good way to soundproof a floor/ceiling?

I own an upper/lower and the GF is bitching about the noise coming throw the ceiling when the upstairs tenant is walking around.

Anyone know a good way to soundproof this? Maybe some kind of special carpeting?

Egg cartons!

Rip out your ceiling and place in insulation followed by this: http://www.gp.com/build/product.aspx?pid=1071 followed by drywall. It is a super expensive and labor intensive approach so I recommend dumping the GF or getting her ear muffs that match her apron.

First insulate the ceiling. Then two layers of drywall with resilient channel in between. Fasten the first layer. Then the resilient channel across the ceiling joists, then the face layer should be screwed into the channel only with self tapping drywall screws (ie not into the wood). This separates the face layer from the framing so sound doesn’t transmit through the drywall as easily.

Also caulking around any penetrations in both layers helps.

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simlpe answer, if the flooring is hard wood up there and they dont have carpets ask them to buy some runners and area rugs for the most walked on area’s… option b tell them to walk lighter and not like a fucking herd of elephants

Pee in your gf’s butt.

Blow in insulation is probably the cheapest solution to get some sound dampening.

Like others have said, Cheapest and easiest is to put down Carpet/runners upstairs. After that it gets more complicated and expensive.


Just please don’t fall for the sound proofing paint bullshit.

Get a new girlfriend, or tell her to STFU till she buys you a nicer place to live.


I think im gonna take ultra’s advice and pee in her butt. Thanks to all those that gave suggestions though.

NYSpeed saves the day!

Move upstairs, seal the floors, put carpet down, pee in her butt.

buy the GF some of these would be the cheapest solution:


Let me give you some more great nyspeed responses.

  1. Kick the people upstairs out and fuck getting any kind of extra rent income.
  2. Sell the duplex and buy a single family home
  3. still pee in her butt

There’s also some sound deadening insulation out.
I was looking at it for my house, but just went with cellulose instead.
I think it can be blown in.

But just get some carpet up there with a 1" pad or two.

what’s above your kitchen?