Whaduya gotta wear to work?


whatever i want. usually depends on the weather. the summer is hot as hell, and winter is cold because it’s a warehouse :frowning:

what ever i want, i usually wear not very good clothes and its usually dirty. but i work with car parts so its understandable i guess. but i feel like such a scumbag sometimes.

No Job = No Dress Code :smiley:
Full time student ownz

grimey shit…mostly jeans, tshirt, long sleeve, and a jacket because its always 35 degrees in the warehouse

Whatever I want… ripped jeans with cone marks, shorts, t-shirts, whatever. I try to avoid the holiest of jeans unless everything else is dirty. One of the reasons we can do this is because everybody wears an anti-static lab coat, so it really doesn’t matter much what you have on underneath it.

I’ve actually been ridiculed for wearing khakis and non-sneakers… Even the engineers wear shorts.

One thing I’ve noticed in my working lifetime: The dress code tends to be inversely proportional to the pay and responsibility. I haven’t had to wear a tie since my minimum wage days.

beck… do you drive a bus?

Alot depends on the previous month’s performance. If the company hit budget for the month before, we “dress-down” which means everyday of the week is casual. Jeans, sneakers, just as long as you look presentable still.

If we miss budget, it’s “dress-up” and dress pants with a polo shirt or button down shirt, no tie, and dress shoes is standard issue.

Only time we wear ties around the office is if we have high level clients coming in.

trogdor shirt and pants that i didn’t wash for a week

buisness casual`

:rofl: Hope this is an office space reference.

sometimes, i dress really nicely, other times i wear jeans and my bullet belt and a polo. sometimes i wear my jacket all day. I pretty much wear whatever i want. Sometimes i flip my septum piercing into my nose, but i always have my lipring in. My office rules.

Business casual…

Black pants… i could wear khakis, but i dont like em and they’d get dirty.
and some sort of polo or dress shirt, and black shoes…and my green starbucks apron.

current job is casual as hell, basically whatever,

but the new job will be business casual.

Marketing Specialist/Product Manager for a dental materials company. Does that qualify as baller?? If so, I need a pay raise.

lol, titles dont give You baller status. if that were the case I’d be a lot better compensated.

True. Baller status comes with VP, President or CEO in front of your title.

are you a disney character or something?

yes it is

no, she works at the Neverland ranch…