What 1080P 42inch TV to buy?

y does it matter what store you buy the samsung from. the tv will be the same if its from walmart or BB or some online store, the only thing that changes is the type of extended warrenty you want

Actually I think that walmart carries exclusive cheaper models.

walmart has the company “make” the tv for them only … most of the time the only diff is one less input or something dumb like that but the same TV

EX: HL61A750 (good tv) but walmart may carry the HL61A750WM same thing but lass a port … (I made this up that walmart has this TV but you should buy this TV)

they do the same with all there computers, they will have them put a extra 512ram or more/less in the computer…

this is why they can have the “cheepest” and match prices but you need to prove same item#'s witch walmart has there own and they will never match a price

Depends on the exact model number. On many items Walmart gets either a Walmart exclusive model made with the shittiest components possible to meet their price point, or if it’s not an exclusive they get the bottom of the line model.

Vizio is going to look great compared to the 480i 10 year old tube TV you probably have now, and that’s how some people will say they’re good TV’s. Putting it next to a 1080p Samsung… not nearly so great. I see these installs all the time where people are so proud of their new 1080p off brand and I just keep my mouth shut about the fact that my 6 year old 1080i CRT projection looks way better, especially for fast motion.


There are already a million tv threads so I figured I would just bump one. Anyhow is there any reason I should not buy this tv?


Looking above 50" and just to watch some movies and cable on. Anything else much nicer ~$2k

btw - he bought a 50" Panasonic 720p plasma.

please don’t buy a vizio.

I recently picked up a 40in 1080p lcd Sony for $799 at Sams Club that is still selling for $1200-1600 online. Amazing picture, 4hdmi inputs, vga input, 2 sets of component ins, 2 sets of composites. you’ll be really annoyed 2 months down the line when you decide to hook up another component to your tv and you don’t have enough inputs…

just my $.02

god you people suck. ill just make my own thread

sorry, I wasn’t ignoring your post, I just didn’t see it before. it looks like a pretty good deal to me. I say go for it :tup:

I have my 1080p 42" 120hz Vizio in my living room and I love it. Have 0 problems and looks great.

You can get them new for like $999

buy a panasonic 42 they are 899 for 1080p at best buy. and ur only really gonna use 1080p for blu ray for now till they start broadcasting in 1080 cuz now its only 720… and panasonics are real nice plasmas