What a rude awakening

Well, this morning the Legacy got broken into, petty things were stolen like pens, change, my latest Import Tuner magazine (noooo). I have no respect for those kinds of people, panhandlers and hobos that have nothing better to do than jack other people because they can’t fucking afford it themselves. Sometimes at times like these we had martial law…My poor Legacy was defiled by the scum of society, I hope they all rot in the streets.

Damn that sucks, hope there wasn’t too much damage done. I am still pissed about my tires so I know how you feel.

I seriously can’t stand people who do that, they get me so worked out that it would drive my crazy beyond all reason. It’s so all these retarded people who live out on the street to buy their booze and lysol. I hope they die of alcohol poisoning or get hit by a bus. (LRT would be sweet)

That sucks to hear man. I wonder why the fuck they would break in if there wasnt anything really visible.

The reason they broke in is because they are …

People that do this crap are the scum of the earth.

See Chris if you hade a Spec V knowone would breake into the Econo Box… :E But really sorry to hear about that…

I wouldn’t even break into the Spec V :stuck_out_tongue: j/k, it’s just such a hassle, I mean insurance, getting it fixed, paying money to get it fixed, THEY TOOK MY CDS THOSE BASTARDS! My precious CDs…all golem like* myy prrrecious

How about this.

A week after I had picked up my car and a few days before my alarm was scheduled to go in some local fucking mall rats broke into my car. Pulled the lock out of the passenger side door handle. What did they steal? A few CD’s (mostly burnt), a dirty black hoodie, and some loose change. Not even $30 worth of stuff. If I ever find out who did it (and I’m sure I won’t) I have a nice tire iron waiting for them.

I’m down with the tire iron thing, I just think it’s a tad bit too primitive, I got a quote on how much it would cost and it just blew me away, like seriously, no respect in this society, how can we respect others when other people don’t respect each other…maybe a few beers will calm me down… :partyman:

Damn that sucks, sorry to hear Chris. I’m down for helping with punishment.

Where did this happen?

In our parkade out of all places

yah i remamber at movies 12 like 3 years ago some POS dented my door near the handle and destroyed handle/ cylinder lock on my s13.
What did they get? maybe 2$ in dimes penies and nickles. half a pack of cigaretes. Than they lured into my hatch and stall my gf’s old ass jacket + her id. My losses : new doorhandle , cylinder lock , locksmith services to match cylinder lock to the key , paint .New id’s for my gf.
about 6 month after same shiet , different place. Exept now they jamed a key into my ignition lock and jacked up my dirty steel toed boots and another 2$ in change.
lucky i had AMA to come fix my ignition lock.
Some people… junkies rather than people.

At least you guys got lucky and they didn’t take the whole car!! I had 1 car completely stolen from outside of my house, 3 of my other cars smashed windows stereo (subs, amp and a deck without a face plate) broken ignitions!! That was all in Edmonton, now I remember why I don’t live there anymore!!