Car break ins

Alright, there’s probably been 100,000 threads like this, but i just got jacked so i’m making one.

i have my 200 out last night right, i figure its not much of a target, a cheap old car, you wouldnt expect it to contain anything. so i get up this morning to go to work, walk out to the car, the door is open. i think holy christ what am i stupid? i get in, and my notepad that i write shit on is on the floor, so i figure my friends must have been reading it the other day and left it there, i was kinda pissed. i pick it up to put it back in my console and wtf?!?! where are my 50000 packs of gum? what the fucks going on. look ahead, change drawer totally taken out. start looking aorund, sun glasses gone, and heres the kicker - ALL MY FUCKING CD’s! a good 300 dollars worth of my favourite cd’s all jacked. fuck i’m pissed at this point. theres one cd in the deck which wasnt stolen cause i removed the faceplate, and that’s all i have. jesus you fucking drug addict punk ass kids, stay the fuck out of my car or eat aluminum bat!

fuck. those cds like i say cost me over 300 bucks, the kids probably got 20 bucks for the lot of them, or a hit of meth or some shit. what a fucked world. i feel sick.

btw, i was slim jimmed, i know because there are scratches on my window where one would go, and the rubber lip is all chewwed up.

That’s funked man, sorry to hear that. I know what you mean, the little things you lose are just as killer as the big things. :x

Ouch, sorry to hear that man. That would have to be one of my worst nightmares, getting my car broken into.

You’re lucky though on a couple of things. You didn’t have your locks/windows destroyed for them to get in, and they didn’t crowbar your dash board to get at your stereo. Be thankful of that, and that there wasn’t anything “extrememly” valuble in the car.

Hope all goes well, and good luck finging those little fuckin pricks. Speaking of pricks, tie them up by theirs if you find them. lol.

i had my bike stole he other day but the police found it i know how u feel i own a pawnshop if u can tell me what kind of cds hey were maybe i might get them i and we can have fun with the thieves lol i hate on people who cant find a job or hold one anyways we live in alberta so easy to find a job hell im havin a hard time finding employees

its getting crazy out there.
my car was broken into with “TWO” windows broken.
then and a 2 neighbors car/trucks were broken into. and now tow of my friends cars were stolen.
this all happened in about a 15block radius and within 30 days apart!!! :cry:

the freaking cops should stop handing out tint tickets and muffler tickets and
start catching the wankers.
Use the Heli

Word! :!:

Where abouts is this, so I know never to park my car there. lol.

I drive an older car and put an alarm on it. Some people laugh and ask me why I would waste money on an alarm b/c no one would want to break into my car but what they don’t realize is there are fuckin stupid retards that see $5 in the consel and think they have to have it. For most of us, our car is like a girl friend and no one should be touching that. Sorry to hear about your loss.

Its just too bad we can’t have some of the better car alarm or should I say “thief disablers” such as the electroshock alarms on the door handles or those systems that lock the doors and gas the bad guy inside. I even saw one that had flamethrowers that shot out from the under carriage! I would buy something like that in a minute if I knew the asshole criminals couldn’t sue for being hurt…

Sorry to hear dude!


man i know how u feel…my friends truck got broken into at movies 12 a couple weeks ago the fuckers stole his whole stereo…sub amp an deck even though the faceplate was taken off, but he just left it tin the glovebox…the also took my digital cam!!! but they left his cd’s an oakleys fuck we were pissed!!!

I found the ultimate deterrent.
follow this link and read as well as watch vid.

LMFAO :lol:
that’ll teach em

damn straight man. firstly i’m pissed about the cds, but secondly and longer lasting is the feeling that someone has been in basically my most sacred place who i didnt want there.

anyhow about the cds… i have the cases here so i know exactly what got jacked -

foo fighters - nothing left to lose
foo fighters - the color and the shape
foo fighters - foo fighters
foo fighters - one by one
our lady peace - spiritual machines
our lady peace - happiness is not a fish that you can catch
supertramp - crime of the century
neil young - decade (2 disk set)
hoobastank - the reason
yeah yeah yeahs - fever to tell (the one i miss the most, cause my gf gave it to me, you cant just rebuy that shit)
the killers - hot fuss
the darkness - permission to land

some more i cant recall right now…

plus about 20 burned disks, some sunglasses and a nissan sunglasses clip.

Thats the one!!!

sorrie to hear ! happend twice to me first time retards jacked 500$ jacket couldn’t get my deck out so fucked up the bracket my cigs and 5 $ in penies and dimes from my ash tray all my id’s .the worst part they fucked up my door handle and cylinder lock! costed so much to get that shiet replaced. second time more acurate didn’t brake nothing besides jammin some key into my ignition lock had to call ama but jacked my cell cd’s tried geeting my deck again still no luck some other shiet … sickenin shiet that not bad alot of people on the west side accutually getting cars jacked

Theives are pathetic… when i had a toyota corolla 1986 they broke in to steal the face plate off a 200 dollar old deack… and to get in the destroyed everything including the brackets and the key lock… even smashed the windows… i wish i will find someone breaking into a car one day and i magically have a bat in my hand

Alright, there’s probably been 100,000 threads like this, but i just got jacked so i’m making one.

i have my 200 out last night right, i figure its not much of a target, a cheap old car, you wouldnt expect it to contain anything. so i get up this morning to go to work, walk out to the car, the door is open. i think holy christ what am i stupid? i get in, and my notepad that i write shit on is on the floor, so i figure my friends must have been reading it the other day and left it there, i was kinda pissed. i pick it up to put it back in my console and wtf?!?! where are my 50000 packs of gum? what the fucks going on. look ahead, change drawer totally taken out. start looking aorund, sun glasses gone, and heres the kicker - ALL MY FUCKING CD’s! a good 300 dollars worth of my favourite cd’s all jacked. fuck i’m pissed at this point. theres one cd in the deck which wasnt stolen cause i removed the faceplate, and that’s all i have. jesus you fucking drug addict punk ass kids, stay the fuck out of my car or eat aluminum bat!

fuck. those cds like i say cost me over 300 bucks, the kids probably got 20 bucks for the lot of them, or a hit of meth or some shit. what a fucked world. i feel sick.

btw, i was slim jimmed, i know because there are scratches on my window where one would go, and the rubber lip is all chewwed up.

That’s funked man, sorry to hear that. I know what you mean, the little things you lose are just as killer as the big things. :x

Ouch, sorry to hear that man. That would have to be one of my worst nightmares, getting my car broken into.

You’re lucky though on a couple of things. You didn’t have your locks/windows destroyed for them to get in, and they didn’t crowbar your dash board to get at your stereo. Be thankful of that, and that there wasn’t anything “extrememly” valuble in the car.

Hope all goes well, and good luck finging those little fuckin pricks. Speaking of pricks, tie them up by theirs if you find them. lol.

i had my bike stole he other day but the police found it i know how u feel i own a pawnshop if u can tell me what kind of cds hey were maybe i might get them i and we can have fun with the thieves lol i hate on people who cant find a job or hold one anyways we live in alberta so easy to find a job hell im havin a hard time finding employees

its getting crazy out there.
my car was broken into with “TWO” windows broken.
then and a 2 neighbors car/trucks were broken into. and now tow of my friends cars were stolen.
this all happened in about a 15block radius and within 30 days apart!!! :cry:

the freaking cops should stop handing out tint tickets and muffler tickets and
start catching the wankers.
Use the Heli