What a weekend.

I manage to fall asleep at the wheel coming back home Sat. night and curbed my front and rear 2 wheels, guess I was punished for doing explicit/lewd acts inside my car prior to driving home. To make the matter worst the replacement wheels will not be available until late Feb.

There was a huge amount of single moms trolling around the Chip strip Sat. night, all looking fly with tight ass hip huggers thats 2 sizes smaller, baby T’s, perfume by Stetson for women are clearly in the air and thongs hanging out of the butt cracks. although its rather dark inside the clubs, im gifted enough to spot all of them and I can clearly see the stretch marks on their belly, in my eyes they glow in the dark and even though the music is loud, I can hear them calling my name to lick in between those cracks, . My buddy told me that I have this special talent to pick the most desperate ones of the bunch, from recently divorced all the way down to having 6 kids with different dads. Someone loves me up there…

So moral of the story is, dont fuck the succubus (sp).

sorry to hear about that dude

my buddy fell asleep at the wheel once… its a goodthing a big ass tree was there to wake him up!

Dont feel bad, I fell asleep before and fucked up 2 weels on the cement wall past the galleria on my Rx7. It happens. Guessing there was no body damage so consider yourself lucky.


i fell asleep on the 90 following my mom on the way to ohio, those rumble strips woke me up. She called me asking what happened, i told her a dropped a cd and accidentally swerved while reaching for it

sucks about falling asleep behind the wheel… Me thinks someone didn’t log out :stuck_out_tongue: