Sleeping > Audi PICS!!! =(

So i went DT on sat night with skunk and kept my car at his house in case of asshats keying it or kickin it just because people can be dicks. So we get back to his place left shortly after and i am on my way home an ended up falling asleep at the wheel. So i ended up goin off the side of the road and hit a small hill and launched the car approximately 9ft in the air and the mirror/pass fender clipped the speed limit sign which is 9ft in the air and landed 55ft from launch point. The audi nose dived and then rolled back over front a total of 6 times. These were the results…i miss my audi already. Im just glad i wasnt still driving the neon r/t with all the bumper/safety supports removed! I wouldnt be here to tell the story my self, instead thanks to AUDI i have a sore neck and a cut on my knuckle:thankyou:

That sucks but for flipping end over end the drivers compartment doesn’t look to bad. Atleast you are alright

Oh my goodness! That’s horrible! Thank god you’re ok though.

yikes. i fell asleep at the wheel last night, but fortunately it was while i was waiting for a train. i woke up and people were driving around me.

3rd pic appears to be Cal playing the “Air Guitar”.
And Audi Safety>*

wow dude. from the look of those pics, you got real lucky.

glad your ok. insurance will cover the car right.


Good work…When I got the txt im like he has to be fucking around lol

you lucked out a little better than me, good thing you didnt roll into the train that might have been messy

Glad you’re OK. May alcohol have played a part?

i was actually worried i might fall asleep, so i set the ebrake.

ill have it at my house tomarrow if you need any parts lemme know, giac chip 3"dp and borla cat back are all in good shape as well as some int pieces and possibly drivetrain

yes but i took a breathalizer and passed

Glad you are ok.
Is that one of my old cars?
I was just wondering because people seem to crash my old cars.:biglaugh:

lol nah it as from conneticut

Just wondering. If I’m already tired and have a beer or two I can hardly keep my eyes open. Glad you’re OK. That could have gotten ugly.

That’ll Buff Right Out ™

Yeah I couldn’t believe that when I got the text, glad you’re okay though. But that fucking blows. :frowning:

ouch man glad to see your fine

:jawdrop:wow… glad your ok

jesus, you’re lucky man

falling asleep at the wheel is scary as shit. I pulled a 36-40 hour shift at work one time and driving home from that it was like 40 degrees outside, I cranked the A/C on and the music as loud as it would go I was still nodding off on the ride home.