What are you asking for Christmas?

Didn’t want to spoil the surprise but, I got you this book…

![http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/rbfdl copy.jpg](http://www.pittspeed.com/uploaded/rbfdl copy.jpg)

wow… all that hax0r ability and THIS is what you came up with?

Cams and valves and pistons.

i need a new scope for the .17

nikon buckmasters 6-18x 40mm obj. i just have to order it, a 4" sunshade would be nice too


I’m hoping but Mrs. Claus is a little to stuck up…

i got to go to sema a month before x-mas so that was my gift

.17’s are fun guns … I have a few of them (hmr, rim & center)

Those are nice scopes also … I just put Camo 3-9/40 on a Rem. Model 700 Camo .223 (My new predator gun)

nothing really I need or want. I might end up getting a Duratrax Firehammer MT

i just want a camera (not sure which one yet). not sure what else. maybe just cleaning stuff for my car.

Peace on Earth

come on be realistic lol but i already baught myself a christmas present a turbo kit now hopefully santa brings me a new intercooler, couplers, t-clamps and some real nice auto meter gauges so i cant get rid of the rice glow shift gauges

i have my wife & two lovely daughters,i couldnt want anything else!

berad stops posting.

I just sent a text to my whole family yesterday stating the same thing.

werd. I’ve been comparing all the different models. Walmart has the nuvi 200 friday for $99 but traffic/bluetooth/fm trans might come in handy. Either way, nav > no nav. The nuvi units have proven themselves time and time again.


ya the nuvi 750 was on sale at sams club for 170 last weekend. your welcome to check it out if you want. snowbaording on friday…you could have a whole hour and a half to mess with it on the way up.

AC/DC tickets


I actually need a new helmet, been using the same one since freshman year of highschool its about to explode.

I think were all going to chip in and get you some goalie lessons, or some ductape to cover up all those holes in you from hockey!!!