What are YOU doing today?

Practicing putting in the office.

Burnin playin CS pick up girl later.

the only time im on here is at work lol…3 to 11pm bitches

Just got my copy of World War Z. Guess what I am doing tonight at work. :stuck_out_tongue:

just woke up 10 min ago…gonna go help a friend move some shit outta his apt…then work on the sentra for a bit? maybe register it…then dick around til i gotta go to work at 10…

stuck at work 9 to 6. sitting on shift…o yeah and reporting the news, if there is any…

good luck mike

i was askin where u been, Josh told me u were working the late shift. i haz a sad.

lol josh works even later than i do, he comes in at 11pm lol.

but yeah, it limits what i can do durring the day tho. it sucks

work, gym, walk, internet.

Exciting day. Also found out that our new driver quit after 2 weeks so now Im back to working shitty hours instead of the 7-4 shift I was working.

Any of you fucktards need a job? You can probably start immediately.

I can work part-time.

Are the trucks manual?

auto. Really we need a late morning to around 6 or so driver. The guy that quit was working 10-6.

5 days a week? I could only do part-time/weekends.

4 or 5 with one being Sunday.

I could do Sunday for sure. Definitely no weekdays, though. =[

well we definately need a week day driver. I dont drive all day like I used to now and our other driver goes to school at night and needs to be out early enough for school.

We need to go golfing. I literally did not take my clubs out of my basement in '10, epic fail

I can do monday, wednesday, late friday (12-XX:XX), saturday, sunday.

Checking in, just got to work. God I hate working mornings. At least my bipod should be in today.