What are you GIVING for Christmas??

awesome, congrats!

I got fake coal today. Bitch couldnt even spring and get me the real shit, i got some cheap plastic knock off

Congrats man! :thumbup

Congrats… pics of ring?

400 dollar coach bag coach shit and mad other little shit to tha girllll

there going to be on here soon, i havent gotten a good picture of it yet though, and my fiance wont let me take it for two seconds.

Mad head.

Recipient unknown

shitty cell phone pics, but we got this for my dad for the garage…

Haha… I wouldn’t take it off either, ESPECIALLY not this soon after you’ve given it to her. Worst comes to worst, just try and sneak it off her finger while she’s sleeping. lol jk

What’d she get you?

Told Scott about the Shinedown tickets, and that there was a surprise for him waiting at the show, that made him a VERY happy camper last night. :smiley:

LOL @ spending $400 on some chick your not going to be with in a few years

also LOL on spending 400 on a couch item. NYC ftw.!
me and heather find couch shit for like 20 bucks. Fake FTW!

So when it’s $20 it’s spelled “couch” no longer “Coach”? :lol


Thank you! She understands that I am saving up for the wedding so we need to cut back.

Congrats! Details.

There is a difference but yea, I have a hard time justifying the price. Also, REAL good fakes are hard for out of towners to find.

fresh kicks polo cologne a buncha other little shit

psh dont matter man weve been together for a pretty long time but i got money thats no problem

i went to the bank, took out a bunch of money, and put a pile on the table at my family gathering, and said take what you can after i walk away

////\sounds thoughtful

somebody’s whipped :rofl